Who do I talk to about this?

I posted a comment in this huge Hacker News thread about A.I. I wanted to introduce Genudi to A.I enthusiasts.

I got a few clicks, zero replies, and fell towards the bottom of the thread at a frightening speed.

Genudi is a strong A.I algorithm capable of starting a conversation with zero data, learning from your input – of any kind – at a frightening speed.

The HN fiasco motivated me to try to have a showcase conversation with Genudi, that I could use as a proof of concept.

Remember that I could have just as well started the conversation in French, Spanish, or Klingon, since the Genudi algorithm is abstract enough to overlook things like semantics, or grammar.

Take a look at my showcase conversation.

This is actual results.

Will this post endure the same fate as my comment? Will this lonely proof of concept be drowned in an ocean of theoretical exchanges about AGI again?

If not you, dear reader, who do I talk to about this?

If you’re fascinated by the showcase conversation I posted, sign up, and take Genudi for a spin.

Remember though, Genudi’s output is only as smart and concise as the input it receives. You think you can beat the conversation I posted?